Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Broadband Internet - Why Purchase Service Online?

You've made the decision to purchase broadband internet access for your home or office. What's your next step? Do you contact your local provider directly and sign up? This is certainly and option, but one that may not be in your best interest.

Contacting one local provider may not be your best option because it limits your choices. It limits the specials available to you. You see, the competition for your business is fierce. There can be a number of vendor choices each offering the same or different access methods and specials. There's cable access, DSL access, satellite access. Each comes with it's own pro's and con's.

You might live in an area where all three-access methods (not counting dial-up) are available. You may live in an area where only 2 or even 1 vendor is available. How do you know? Which do you choose?

The simple way is to contact the one vendor you know of, but there is another way. Use an online-brokered service.

These services should be FREE to you and provide information as well as quotes from multiple vendors within your area. There are many services available on the internet for you to access this information. Of course we'd like you to use our service, free of charge, but any service you find should provide you with the following.

Information - It's critical that you be provided with the information you need to make informed decisions.

Quotes for service - You should be allowed free access to quoting software that will search out and report back all the available vendors within your area. This quote should be free to you as well as identify who the vendor is, what type of service it is, detailed technical information about the service, price, contract length and what specials are available to you.

Lastly, there should be something in it for you as well. When searching for these types of services, don't forget to see what's in it for you! For one, our service offers rebates in addition to the vendor specials. Ok, we're biased here because we believe our service is the best, but other sites probably offer the same incentives. Also look for another level of support. You can go directly to the vendor of your choice with questions about modems, routers, email accounts, etc. and then wait until someone from their support group gets back to you. If you've purchased your broadband service using a brokered service on the internet, you should be able to contact them as well. An additional level of service is another incentive to purchasing your service online.

If you contact a single vendor chances are you're not going to receive unbiased information. A broker does provide unbiased information because they are not tied to a single provider. Having access to multiple providers with multiple access types allows the flexibility to search out and find the 'appropriate' service and the best price and provides value for using the service.

In closing, find a service that is FREE for you to use and provides the information, quotes for service and provides value to you in the way of cash rebates, information and another level of support.

Enjoy your broadband internet experience.

FullService Broadband Provider offers unbiased and informative information on broadband technology. Business, residential, VoIP and more. Our free service is made possible through Try Right Technology, Inc.

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